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engine Wiktionnaire.
light engine terme utilisé pour une locomotive en motion sans les voitures attachées. reciprocating engine, piston engine. rotary engine moteur à piston rotatif. fire engine camion de pompiers. search engine moteur de recherche. Vocabulaire apparenté par le sens modifier le wikicode.
engine Traduction franaise Linguee.
I f engines w i th in the family incorporate other variable features, which could be considered to affect exhaust emissions, these features must also be identified and taken into account in the selection of the pa re n t engine.
Engine - Wikipedia.
Earlier automobile engine development produced a much larger range of engines than is in common use today. Engines have ranged from 1- to 16-cylinder designs with corresponding differences in overall size, weight, engine displacement, and cylinder bores. Four cylinders and power ratings from 19 to 120hp 14 to 90kW were followed in a majority of the models. Several three-cylinder, two-stroke-cycle models were built while most engines had straight or in-line cylinders. There were several V-type models and horizontally opposed two- and four-cylinder makes too.
ENGINE meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary.
These are words often used in combination with engine. Click on a collocation to see more examples of it. The situation is analogous to automobile engine design: one of the desiderata for an engine is that it should be fuelefficient.
Engine Definition of Engine by Merriam-Webster.
Middle English engin, from Anglo-French, from Latin ingenium natural disposition, talent, from in gignere to beget more at kin. Learn More About engine. Post the Definition of engine to Facebook Share the Definition of engine on Twitter Time Traveler for engine.

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